The firm

Our firm was founded on spring of 2011. Even though the close starting we have got much experience in line with lighting - before we founded we had worked continuously on this field.

Our activities reached regular (residential lighting, office lighting, industrial lighting) and special lighting - ornament and sport lighting, light-building, exclusive lighting, etc. Our works are speaking for themselves: Gödör at Elisabeth square (Budapest), Hero's square at Miskolc, Aqua City at Zalaegerszeg, Kölcsey Center at Debrecen, Reok Palace az Szeged, Rába Quelle at Győr, Szent Gotthard Spa at Szentgotthard or Dobó István Castle Museum at Eger. An overview of our works can be found on our website. Beyond of lighting design, we have custom luminaire construction and measurement experience.

Our specialists can be trusted and are able to help in any problem in line with lighting.

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